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2023 Medical Plan Option Chart

Benefit Provision
HSA Copay
HSA Copay
Network Copay
Network Copay
Traditional Coinsurance
Traditional Coinsurance
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 100%
Plan pays 100%
(individual / family)
$1,500/$3,0001 (combined medical and prescription3)
Out-of-Pocket Maximum 4
(individual / family)
$3,500/$7,000 (combined medical and prescription3)
Pfizer HSA Copay Contribution
Pfizer contributes, if your annual base pay is less than $300,000.
Pfizer contributes, if your annual base pay is less than $300,000.
$15 copay, after deductible
Not available
$15 copay
Not available
$15 copay
$15 copay
Primary Care Visit
$35 copay, after deductible
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
$25 copay
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Specialist Visit
$55 copay, after deductible
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
$40 copay
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Imaging / Other
Plan pays 80% of contracted rate; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
Plan pays 90% of contracted rate; you pay 10%1
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Outpatient Surgeon fee (for procedure)
$150 copay, after deductible
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
$100 copay
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Outpatient Facility fee (for procedure)
$400 copay, after deductible
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
$300 copay
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Urgent Care
$75 copay, after deductible
Plan pays 60% up to allowed amount; you pay 40%1
$50 copay
Plan pays 70% up to allowed amount; you pay 30%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Emergency Room Visit
$400 copay, after deductible
$400 copay, after deductible
$300 copay
$300 copay
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Plan pays 80% up to allowed amount; you pay 20%1
Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.
Prescription drug coverage is included in all options. Learn more.

1 Deductible applies; if you’re covering dependents in HSA Copay option, you must meet the full family deductible before the plan begins to share the cost of non-preventive benefits.

2 Under Traditional Coinsurance, the deductible and out-of-pocket maximum apply to both in- and out-of-network services.

3 Eligible prescription drug expenses includes both in- and out-of-network pharmacy expenses.

4 Out-of-pocket maximum includes deductible.

Annual Base Pay
(As of Sept. 1, 2021 or hire date if later)
2022 Pfizer HSA Contribution
Includes One-Time HealthEquity $50 Contribution
Less than $75,000
$75,000 up to $160,000
$160,000 up to $300,000