2025 Changes
This is a summary of important changes affecting your plan options. For more details and additional changes, review the Summary of 2025 Benefit Changes.

Deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums are increasing for all medical plan options. Additionally, under the HSA Copay and Network Copay options, copays for most services will increase.
Remember, the HSA Copay option is the only option that includes the ability to contribute to a Health Savings Account — and receive a Company contribution from Pfizer if you are eligible depending on your annual base pay.
See the Medical Plan Comparison Chart to compare the available plan options.
2025 Contributions
For the past four years, Pfizer has kept colleague medical and dental contributions steady despite rising healthcare costs. For 2025, there will be increases to medical and the enhanced dental option contributions. Contributions for vision remain unchanged for 2025.

Enhanced Maternity Support Program
Planning a family or already pregnant? Beginning January 1, Optum’s Maternity Support Program will be managed through Maven Maternity. This enhanced program will provide 24/7/365 support for maternity and postpartum (including support via the Maven Clinic app). You’ll also have access to a Dedicated Care Advocate to help you find providers and navigate care as well as educational resources, including virtual classes, specialized content, and care plans for expectant parents and community forum. This program continues to be available to both Horizon and UHC members. If you are currently participating in Optum’s Maternity Support Program, you will receive more information about this change from Optum.

Prescription Drug
The prescription drug per prescription minimums and maximums for non-Pfizer brand medications and Pfizer medications (when a generic is available) are increasing. The out-of-pocket maximums are also increasing. Under the Maintenance Choice Program (which provides up to a 90-day supply of non-specialty maintenance medications when filled at a CVS Pharmacy or through CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy), the coinsurance minimum will increase from $30 to $50, and the coinsurance maximum will increase from $160 to $212.50.
See the Prescription Drug Summary Chart.

Health Savings Accounts
If you elect the HSA Copay medical plan option most colleagues are eligible to receive a Company contribution to their Pfizer HSA. For 2025, the following changes will apply:
- If your Annual Base Pay is less than $80,000, the Company contribution will increase. See the HSA Company Contribution chart.
- Annual IRS HSA before-tax contribution limits will increase:
- Individual coverage — from $4,150 to $4,300
- Family coverage — from $8,300 to $8,550
Note: The annual HSA before-tax contribution limits noted above include your contributions plus Pfizer’s Company contribution, if applicable.

Health Care Accounts
New Process for Electing the Maximum IRS Limit
As part of Annual Enrollment, you are required to make a new election if you wish to contribute to the General or Limited Purpose Health Care Account (GPHCA/LPHCA) in 2025. Each year the IRS adjusts the maximum limit based on inflation and generally announces the new limits after Pfizer’s annual enrollment period has ended. Therefore, effective with the 2025 Annual Enrollment period, we are changing how you can elect the GPHCA/LPHCA maximum for 2025.
During Annual Enrollment, if you elect the current contribution limit (e.g. for 2024, $3,200), once the IRS announces the new contribution limit, your 2025 GPHCA/LPHCA election will automatically increase to the new limit. For example, if you elect $3,200 for your 2025 GPHCA or LPHCA election and on November 8th, the IRS announces the 2025 limit will be increasing to $3,300, your 2025 GPHCA/LPHCA election will be automatically increased to $3,300. You will receive a notice confirming this change. There will no longer be a separate enrollment election period offered as in recent years.
If you do not wish for your GPHCA or LPHCA election to be automatically increased, you must elect any amount (in $1 increments) lower than the current limit. For example, because the current limit is $3,200, you could elect $3,199 so that your election does not automatically increase. You may make any changes to your elections through the correction period which ends December 6, 2024. After that, no changes will be permitted to your GPHCA/LPHCA election until the next Annual Enrollment period.
See the Health Care Accounts Summary for more information, including information about the Limited Purpose and General Purpose HCA accounts.

Life Insurance
The maximum spouse/domestic partner coverage is increasing, to include the total of your Pfizer life insurance coverage (that means both your basic and supplemental coverage); the maximum spouse/domestic partner coverage remains capped at $250,000.
Reminder: $600 Pfizer Wellbeing Wallet Coming January 1, 2025
To help you achieve your wellbeing goals, we are introducing the Pfizer Wellbeing Wallet, effective January 2025. Get reimbursed up to $600 annually for wellbeing products and services that matter most to you, from gym memberships and dance classes to wellbeing apps like Noom, to daycare expenses and pet sitters, and more! No need to enroll or sign-up. Have Questions? Hang tight…Details will be announced in early December. Sign up for text messages so you don’t miss these details.Â
Your eligible domestic partner (same or opposite sex) is defined as a person who is:
- At least 18 years of age;
- Not related to you by blood to a degree of closeness that would prohibit legal marriage;
- Exclusively living with you and has done so for the prior 12 months with the intent to do so indefinitely;
- Not married to someone else or engaged in another domestic partnership or civil union, as applicable; and
- Financially interdependent with you.
Pfizer Contribution to the HSA
(As of September 1, 2024 or hire date if later)
60% After-tax LTD Option
Note: Annual Pay is capped at $500,000 under all options.
* If you work between 40–60% of a part-time schedule, you and Pfizer share in a portion of your contributions.